JR Coal Fuel

Simple mod that adds Wooden Pellet, Coal Briquettes burner fuel, Crushed Coal (intermediate product), and higher tier Enriched Coal Fuel (similar to Soild Fuel block).

3 years ago

i First Impressions

3 years ago

Nice mod and very nice graphics!

One of my first impressions however is that the enriched bundles are very expensive, with 152MJ* of energy reduced to 42MJ! It seems they have a specialist use case in long-range vehicles due to the energy per stack of 2.1GJ, about twice that of both rocket fuel types, but that alone isn't very attractive as the travel times that would benefit from this are very rarely attained. I'd like to suggest raising their energy content and lowering their stack size accordingly, and maybe giving them vehicle acceleration and speed bonuses if it's something you hadn't considered before.

*140MJ from 10 briquettes, plus a 12MJ opportunity cost from 20 petroleum gas that could otherwise be turned into solid fuel.

3 years ago

Hi, first thank You for the feedback, exactly what I was looking for :)
Second, You are correct, I completely forgot about speed/acc bonuses for hi tier fuel, I will update the mod today. Will adjust the cost as well.


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