Cheap Stone Ammo

by jatmn

Cheap Stone Ammo...? - Now with Settings! This Ammo was created for world/mods that have limited starting resources and making traditional Ammo is an issue. Ammo is purely made of stone ore. Does very very limited damage, but does a little knockback.. because why not it's stone right?

2 years ago

i Balance

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

I would make them real ammo, so far I put them as same level as iron ammo, so 5 damage and remove the knockback and of course only one magazine with 10 size. I think ammo even in vanilla miss the powder component, I suggest 4 stones + 1 coal for 5 damage is ok balance. The coal even compensate for the fact we don't melt the stone.

a month ago

This isn't really a "balance" mod. It actually was initially made as a joke because the knockback factor is so glitchy when loaded in turrets against large waves of biters. Also because I had mixed a bunch of mods at some point which made crafting basic ammo near impossible so I needed something to actually defend myself at all.

a month ago

I think this mod made a tons of sense, stone is mostly for military thing, wall, okay there is the furnace. But use stone for early defense is a good way to use stone early. This ease the iron and IMO that good. I would just indeed remove the knock-back by default cause that really a troll haha. But this mod is really useful and have sense. You should polish it.

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