Item borrowing

by Jorn86

Allows you to 'borrow' items using a console command. Repaying loans can be done, but is optional.

4 years ago
0.18 - 1.0

i Item cap increase, output list of debt, and drag-drop UI

4 years ago

Really like the idea of this mod-- I've actually been doing this with an infinity chest and an excel spread sheet-- love the automation of building in the concept to a mod.

Suggest removing the cap of 20 items. Additionally, suggest maintaining the list in some sort of serialized format (preferably CSV so it can be pulled up easily in Excel). Lastly, suggest building a simple drag-drop interface rather than relying on console.

4 years ago

It's not a real cap, it just only shows up to 20 items because of a limitation in the mod API. If you pay some of the things you can see, more will show up.

I don't like making UIs, but if someone wants to I'm open to pull requests.

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