Intermediate Bulk Containers

Adds three new barrel items to incrementally increase fluid storage and shipping via warehouse, trains, trucks, and robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Could you make it fillable with bob's barreling pump?

4 years ago

great mod, this helps a lot to move liquids around. Thanks for this. Anyway i figured out that, playing with bob's (and angel's) normally i have to fill barrels in a barreling pump (since i play in german i hope this is the right translation), while your containers have to be filled in assemblers. Would it be possible for you to make your containers/barrel pallets also be filled with this barreling pump when the corresponding mod is active?
Not only one gets used to fill and empty liquids with this pump, i really like the diversity it adds.

4 years ago

I will definitely look into that, I'm pretty sure that would involve a compatibility mod to mess with the barrelling pump itself, but I'll see what I can do later

4 years ago

thats pretty easy if you dont find the way you can ask me i can tell you how to make it. I have the same into my "Privat" Mod since long time and its works very well :)

2 years ago

Has this idea remained abandoned?

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