
by ixu

Ingame technology browser including... - backwards search: report any place where it is referenced - initiate research from information panels - initiate crafting from information panels - "pipette": selection from information panels - filter information panel by research status - reminder panel with autoresearch and autocrafting [de, en, ja, zn-CH]

1 year, 10 months ago
1.0 - 1.1

b [fixed in 0.3.11]Crash on click on tech icon

4 years ago
This happens immediately when tech is clicked on, the frame on the left is displayed simultaneously with the crash.

Last lines in log at time of crash:

626.883 Script @qol_research/control.lua:20: [qol] configuration change detected, updating for all forces and resetting technology effects
628.248 Script @rso-mod/control.lua:1851: RSO: Updated resource configurations
628.251 Script @DeadlockStackingForVanilla/control.lua:9: on_configuration_changed
652.745 Script @LogisticTrainNetwork/script/init.lua:338: [LTN] LogisticTrainNetwork 1.15.0 configuration updated.
660.980 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Database.lua:55: database initialize start...
661.315 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Database.lua:73: database initialize proxies...
661.315 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Database.lua:88: database initialize categories...
661.389 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Database.lua:95: database initialize recipes...
661.805 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Database.lua:100: database initialize complete.
1720.985 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Selector.lua:142:
1720.985 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Selector.lua:142:
1720.990 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Selector.lua:142: Fluid.drilling-waste
1720.995 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Selector.lua:142: Fluid.iron-pulp-06-thick
1720.996 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Selector.lua:113: self.MissingSearchTexts = 4
1720.996 Script @ingteb/ingteb/Selector.lua:114: =============================================================
1735.654 Error MainLoop.cpp:1285: Exception at tick 2540527: The mod Ingame Technology browser (0.3.8) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event ingteb::on_gui_click (ID 1)
Gui element with name Item.glassworks-mk01 already present in the parent element.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'add'
flib/gui-beta.lua:65: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:110: in function 'recursive_build'
flib/gui-beta.lua:135: in function 'build'
ingteb/ingteb/Helper.lua:102: in function 'CreateFrameWithContent'
ingteb/ingteb/Helper.lua:169: in function 'CreateFloatingFrameWithContent'
ingteb/ingteb/Presentator.lua:585: in function 'Open'
ingteb/ingteb/EventManager.lua:79: in function 'PresentTarget'
ingteb/ingteb/EventManager.lua:92: in function 'PresentTargetByCommonKey'
ingteb/ingteb/Selector.lua:76: in function 'OnGuiEvent'
ingteb/ingteb/EventManager.lua:288: in function <ingteb/ingteb/EventManager.lua:280>

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

To reproduce it, I need a screenshot and the logfile.
File is called factorio-current.log. It is somewhere in your factorio folder (like c:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Factorio)
you may upload it here: https:/
thank you!

4 years ago

I thought the exert from the log I provided would be sufficient. I've uploaded full log to the forum thread.
Do you need full screenshot or the crop I provided in the first post here is ok?

4 years ago

I need to know what exactly you clicked on. But I can also create a version that displays this. Then you just have to wait.

4 years ago

For reproducing please download the version 0.3.9 you can find here:
Repeat the action that caused the crash and upload the logfile.
Thank you very much for your effort .

4 years ago

1) Click mod button to display tech selector
2) Click any tech icon

4 years ago

Could you please explain this?
What I found, is that for glassworks mark 1 there is a recipe called "request glassworks mark 1" (or so). This recipe does not take any input and returns 7 times then same product "glassworks mark 1" - each time 65000 items.
Which mod did introduce this recipe? To fix this, I need this mod for testing.

4 years ago

Actually, since there is no rule that ingredients or products should be unique I have to support this.
Just to be sure that is the error, it would be nice if you could confirm my investigation. Or you can wait for the next release and then we'll see.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

"Glassworks mark 1" is an assembler from Pyanodon mods, but the recipe you are referring to maybe a synthetic one added by some other mods (I use various stacking/crating mods and "mining drones" mod). However it's not visible via normal UI. Make sure you ignore hidden recipes.

4 years ago

I thought I actually did this. But I already know it's hard to kick all those hidden blueprints dead.
It would be really interesting to see the data.raw-definition of that recipe called "request-glassworks-mk01"
Probably you want to upload a complete save file? This worked for me already in another case.

4 years ago

Uploaded the save.

FYI, I am using some locally patched mods so you wont be able to fully auto mod-sync the save, however it should not matter to be able to reproduce the bug

4 years ago

Seems to be fixed. I will report new issue separately.

4 years ago

Excerpt from Transport_Drones_1.0.4\data\make_request_recipes.lua:

local make_recipe = function(item)
if not item then return end
if not then
if util.has_flag(item, "not-stackable") or util.has_flag(item, "hidden") then return end
local recipe =
type = "recipe",
name = "request-",
icon = item.dark_background_icon or item.icon,
icon_size = item.icon_size,
icons = item.icons,
ingredients =
{type = "item", name = "transport-drone", amount = 1},
{type = "fluid", name = fuel, amount = 5000}
results =
{type = "item", name =, amount = 65000, show_details_in_recipe_tooltip = false},
{type = "item", name =, amount = 65000, show_details_in_recipe_tooltip = false},
{type = "item", name =, amount = 65000, show_details_in_recipe_tooltip = false},
{type = "item", name =, amount = 65000, show_details_in_recipe_tooltip = false},
{type = "item", name =, amount = 65000, show_details_in_recipe_tooltip = false},
{type = "item", name =, amount = 65000, show_details_in_recipe_tooltip = false},
{type = "item", name =, amount = 65000, show_details_in_recipe_tooltip = false},
category = category,
order = item.order,
subgroup = get_subgroup(item),
overload_multiplier = 100,
hide_from_player_crafting = true,
main_product =,
allow_decomposition = false,
allow_as_intermediate = false,
allow_intermediates = true,
allow_inserter_overload = false,
energy_required = 2 ^ 50

This is the root of our problem here. And the healing will be filtering by hide_from_player_crafting

4 years ago

I've started an new thread for this to be consistent, but you are right.
Also could use show_details_in_recipe_tooltip . Or even transport-drone as ingredient.
If not sure, you can put this as an option into mod settings.

New response