I Speak for the Trees Remade

Trees, rocks, and a couple other things have a chance to spawn biters when a they are destroyed. It is fully customisable with all fetures being enabled or disabled independently. With this mod you can spawn a number of biters after a tree dies, a rock dies, a spawner dies, or after part of your base dies (the last is disabled by default). It will chose a biter or spitter apropreate for the current evolution to a max evolution (0.9 by default).

2 years ago

g Thanks

2 years ago

Hi, I downloaded the zomtorio mod a month ago and i was devastated when the "spawn when eat" command caused an error.
This mod just makes that, and it's configurable!
It's very fun to throw a grenade in a forest and several groups appear, or assaulting biter bases. And it punishes your errors by making the loss of a building a posible death spiral with more and more assaulters.

Very fun indeed!!

2 years ago

Glad you like it

1 year, 11 months ago
(updated 1 year, 11 months ago)

I had the same issue with Zomtorio and this seems to fix it. Had the old I Speak for the Trees but this one is multitiudes better!
However, Apocalypse settings seems to treat any picked up item as a "destroye" event, when I pick something up, biters spawn! This is not how it is supposed to work, right? Maybe something interferes with the Zomtorio scripts .

EDIT: Fixed it myself, I commented out the last two active lines (the event registers onSomethingMined)

New response