Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g [Fixed]Please change beacon propagation back to previous method

11 months ago
(updated 11 months ago)

The change from 0.12.20,
"- Simplifed propagation menu, now that propagate with module only on the same category of recipe"

This has been a change that has only created more headaches & busywork, rather than helping. I have talked to multiple other helmod users that agree (and it seems there was already a post from one person thinking this was a bug). Currently it's just frustrating because if I want to propagate speed beacons, I basically have to do it for every single recipe now!

How often do you want to ONLY apply beacons to a specific category? Not very often! You usually want to propagate speed beacons to everything! I think the most frequent use case is that you don't want it to be any different by category.

Not to mention that in more complicated mods (which is where helmod is used the most), almost every single item is a different category, so it almost makes the propagation button useless.

Please give back the old behavior! Or add back another button so there is 3 options: [propagate to all in block] [propagate to all in line] [propagate to only same category]

(p.s. I saw you added multiple production trees/blocks! YAYYYYY!!!!!)

11 months ago

yes in v1.0.4

11 months ago

yes in v1.0.4

Hooray! Thank you :)

New response