Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

a day ago
0.14 - 2.0

g [Idea]Electricity consumers

1 year, 11 days ago
(updated 1 year, 11 days ago)

I want to keep track of things that consume electricity besides the factories/beacons/etc. like inserters and radars. I figure they aren't in there because they don't produce anything, but really if I want to plan my factory and I'm not taking into account all things that need power, I'd be designing my factory to produce too low amount of power.

There's already electricity producers like the steam engine under the helmods recipes.

Is there any possiblity for there to be a helmod recipe per thing that consumes electricity?

I understand that if this were to be aded, people would want some more advanced use of it, like automated calculation of how much work they would do for a specific production line (i.e. an assembling machine stalling means the inserter is stalling too) but for a first iteration of adding this feature i'd be happy if it's just the maximum electricity they slurp.

1 year, 11 days ago

Sorry for posting this in general, I don't see a way to edit this post so it's posted in the right category.

New response