Yea. That explains it. Oddly, it is under Hidden Player Crafting, which I didnt check for obvious reasons. I assumed that hidden recipies included hidden void recipies that a furnace-type entity automatically chose from. Didn't realize there were two sets.
Sea Block uses "hidden" to mean recipes that you shouldn't ever be able to access. Hidden Player Crafting recipes are usable but aren't shown in the "E" crafting menu. Most mods follow this convention but not all unfortunately.
Your block is linked by product. The void recipes have no products. To make them work, move them to their own block. Make this new block linked by Ingredient Input (rather than the default Product Input).
I would like to allow individual recipe lines to be linked by Ingredient Input / Product Input, rather than just a whole block. But that is a future plan :-)
Green is an unlinked product that you can click on to set the desired quantity. Blue is default linked. Red is oversupply. You can click on yellow to add the recipe for that ingredient.