Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

3 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

i [Implemented]Dynamic Space Exploration compatibility

2 years ago

I'm not sure if this has been requested before or not, but one of the behaviors that frustrate me as a user is having to constantly verify that the variables for the beacon formula are correct each time I set up a new sheet.

Would it be possible to dynamically detect the presence of Space Exploration being loaded, and adjust the default values for the beacon formula? I think the correct defaults for Space Exploration are something like:

if script.active_mods["space-exploration"] then
beacon_combo = 1
beacon_factory = 0.25,
beacon_factory_constant = 0

These settings are because Space Exploration has a limit of 1 beacon affecting any machine, otherwise the machine will go into an overload state and shut down. The beacon range in SE covers 4 Assembler 2s, with one tile to spare. These settings may not work as well for space mfg and SE's wide-area beacons, but provide a good default for the early game.

2 years ago

I second this suggestion. Something like SE has hundreds of new recipes, and you can only have 1 beacon per building. It would be a QOL change if we could either set a global default (the per production / building defaults are great otherwise, just not here). Or as suggested above, one can readily set the number of beacons affecting one building 1, as that is all that SE allows.

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