is there already a possibilty to only search for recipes which are accessible through research with certain science packs?
If not, do you see a way to implement this?
In big mods like Py or Nullius there are different recipes for one item. I want to have the possibilty to search only for recipes which are accessibly at the current state (in YAFC it's named Milestone) . So when I can just produce Science Pack 1 and 2, I don't need recipes which will be unlocked by Science Pack 3 or higher.
It would be nice to have either
an option in the "Preferences-Tab" to set the already reached "Milestones" + an additional checkbox "show recipes for reached Milestones" in the search-popup
a checkbox "show recipes unlocked by science pack(s)" + a selection of Science Packs which can be selected (like selecting machines, modules, etc.) in the search-popup
or what do you think is the best solution! :D
Thank you very much in advance!