Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Thanks for a great mod!

3 years ago

I just finished my first Sea Block run, and I wanted to thank you for your great mod, Helmod. I'm not sure I could have finished Sea Block / Bob's / Angel's without Helmod. Being able to determine the number of machines and requisite ingredients is great, but for me what was particularly helpful was being able to track the production flow. Being able to determine the production structure - the multiple production steps required to make Product A, where there are multiple ways to make it - was incredibly helpful. And your mod's interface is extremely good.

Thanks for the great mod!

3 years ago

thanks, it's always nice that someone thanks for the work.

3 years ago

I second this. The mod is very helpful and well made. I'm also doing Seablock and I consider Helmod essential. In addition to what P_Squared said, I love the option to Pin the production block to a smaller window so you have a handy reference while you're building. Also the small summary window is extremely helpful to know what I need before building. Thank you, Helfima. :-)

3 years ago

Fantastic mod! Thanks a lot. Guess this mod should be in vanilla

3 years ago

Incredible mod, even code looks nice. This is what is missing in this type of games. It should be default way of making ui for building structures. Thank you.

3 years ago

Спасибо большое за мод)

3 years ago

Absolutely, fantastic work. I couldn't do overhaul mods, or anything big, without Helmod. I have it in every game I play. Many thanks!

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