Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

3 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Remove Production line - creates more lines

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Good day! Thank you for this wonderful mod. There's an issue though (encountered in the latest playthrough, on the 1.0 version of the game)
When I click 'Remove production line' button - it sometimes removes the line, but most of the time only ads more.
Here's a screenshot: https://bit.ly/3mhnhwM

Disabling the mod, saving the game, and enabling the mod again helped. Though, when you click 'Add recipe' button - it added 11 of them instead of one.

4 years ago

hello update the mod to v0.11.5, it fixed (in v0.11.3)

4 years ago

Wow! Thank you so much! :)

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