Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

4 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

i Numbers of Beacons

4 years ago

This Mod is realy great to calculate Production.
I'm now in a Megabase build and want to work with lots of beacons.

  • The 3 fields of the beacon amounts is only changed, if you press enter afterwards. Is it possible to change this values on field leave or something?
  • When you set the modified beacon as default and apply to production block both times these values aren't copied. Is this on any porpuse? Because it isn't what I expected.
  • If last point isn't intended then it would be good, if you change the values, that then the default point is removed, if you change these values
  • I think it would be more helpful, if the tooltip values change to:
    • Beacon per Factory: Number of Beacons added per new Factory
    • Constant Beacon: Number of Beacons at the start of the line

I hope these Points help to improve this Mod even further

4 years ago

we don't save something on lost focus, it's impossible and dev don't want do this event
there are a bug on default beacon (will fix in next realease)
constant beacon it's not at start of line when you have a square of beacon

4 years ago

Thanks for all your work.

I understand, what you mean with the tooltip, i just needed way to long to understand, what the fields ment. But maby it's just me, who had problems...

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