Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

3 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

b Some items with Bob/Angels not appearing

4 years ago

Hello, with bob and angels loaded some intermediates aren't showing up, like resistors.

4 years ago

you are try "Show activate" on recipe selector

4 years ago

I tried "show disabled" and I can see them. However the technology has been researched so I don't know why it is still not shown. (can't find 'show activate')

4 years ago

Yeap, 'show disable' does show them. Thanks

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

New tech doesnt add recipes to helmod
thats the reason why items are missing

4 years ago

This is not the case.
At least in 0.17 (do not remember Helmod version) if the tech researched it was shown in product without any additional configuration in Helmod. Something got changed really.

4 years ago

Same problem with A&B play. Only small fraction of researched recipe shows. For example, green science pack does not show despite being researched. In the past turning on and off "Show hidden" solved the problem of missed recipe. Now it does not help - Show hidden work as intended if turned on, but once turned off, researched recipes disappear again. /helmod ResetCaches does not help.

Another feature request - would it be possible to bring recipe selector window on top when clicking Add a recipe button? Same for edit recipe window when clicking production line. In the old UI panel for both were shared and it was really convenient because it was automatically switched. Now with movable panes I am stuck because my monitor width does not allow to put three panes side by side. "Auto bring on top" would be really good solution.

Another question - what recipes with small blue asterisks in top left corner mean? The recipe pretend to create fluid form the same fluid 1:1 and are available for all fluids. May be Creative Mod or Editor Extension mods generate them? In any case they has no value for helmod UI and just clutter recipe selection pane.

4 years ago

@all: try the last release
@Zveryga: probably you have broken your cache, in the admin panel refresh cache HMRecipeSelector (solo game only)
if the recipe panel is behind, use shortcut to open/close all panel ([U] open/close UI)
recipes with small blue asterisks = fake recipe and it is not exist
when you must create steam, you need the steam recipe for sample

4 years ago

My oroginal problem was solved. The recipes shown. At the same time got few more bugs.
Open different post for this one.

4 years ago

New release solved problem of recipe not showing.

Would it be possible to solve abundance of asterisks somehow? I understand that for steam they are needed, but this is the only case when they are needed that I am aware of. Just open any B&A game, you will them all.

I didn't get idea of using U key. It just reopen UI. Would it be possible to bring proper window on top automatically?

4 years ago


I'm on Factorio 0.18.6, Helmod 0.10.4, most all of the Bobs and Angels mods loaded and current. When I open the Recipe selector screen I still do not see any recipes. No matter what options I check nothing comes up. The only thing listed in the recipe section is "Wait translate:" and a number (currently 1767, this changes with different mods being loaded). I've tried the "/helmod ResetCaches" command, I've gone through all the admin panel cache refreshes.

Any assistance is appreciated.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

update helmod v10.5
and if there are a problem, try disable in Mod Setting->Map->Filter with translated string

4 years ago

so you can Join Discord https://discord.gg/mKEeAKb

4 years ago

Both the update and unchecking the "Filter with translated string" setting fixed the issue. Thanks!

4 years ago

Hello, in the same way, I posted on GitHub an issue with the steam assembling machines from Bob's Mod which Helmod see as a fuel burner when it should offer steam temperature choice, not every fluids :)

New response