Sorry, i´m also not a native english speaker (GER here) so my english is´t perfect. maybe i descibt it in a bad way :)
i would like to choose inside a block. I try to make a example, hopefully that helps to understand the issue:
In Angels petrochem for e.g. you can use "Naptha" as a source for further processing. In a later processstep in the same production chain you get "Naphta" as a side product.
So what i do in your Mod is: I Select the final product recipe (e.g. plastic) and select max machine throughput. Then clicking on the incredience until i reached the the desired input, crude oil in that case. I also wanne use all the byproducts so i avoid voiding them.
I made a screenshot here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1991216517
At the bottom you see the refinery using crude oil producing 4 different outputs. All 4 outputs will be used all the way up to produce plastic. But the Mod uses (in that example) only one of them. In that case the least efficent one and i would have to build 1920 refinery´s :D
If i move the recipes a bit up and down i can get the Helmo to use the red/green/yellow liquid but then ignoring the purple stuff. I will get worse when i add recipies for all the left over Outputs (see the top output summary).
I think Excel would tell me that i created a circular reference and if i had to guess, thats the issue Helmod has.