Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

3 days ago
0.14 - 2.0

i Inserter ratios

4 years ago

Congratulations for the 0.17 mod overhaul !

Having the number of Factories is nice,
but what would be really great is if we could also get the number of inserters* required !
(Selecting the inserters that we want to calculate for in a way similar to Factory/Fuel resource/Module/Beacon selection in the Edit Recipe popup.)

Note that for inserters, stacks/s seems to be pretty close to turns/s, see :
(a warning about these numbers not being always accurate, due to how inserters work, should be enough ?)

Even better would be taking stack sizes into account,
and later maybe even custom angles (like for bob's adjustable inserters set to only rotate, not extend/rectract) !

*Potentially also loaders, but since there are so many of them, some not actually using vanilla loader code, I can understand how this would be so much harder...

4 years ago

Hello, hum I already had this idea.
for the moment I see it as logistics just like the belts
with an option to indicate whether the products use a common inserter or not

4 years ago

Yeah, doesn't surprise me, though I understand that something like this could take a while to implement !
Though you're more likely to set a belt target , and see the required number of inserters (and factories), than the other way around, aren't you ?

4 years ago

I must analyse the possibility

4 years ago

I had in v0.9.28 and v0.10.2
the calculation is done for 2x180 ° of rotation

4 years ago

Thanks a lot ! :D

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