On add recipe to a tab:
2825.468 Error MainLoop.cpp:1195: Exception at tick 4404979: Mod Helmod: assistant for planning your base. hat einen unbehebbaren Fehler verursacht.
Bitte informiere den Mod-Autor über diesen Fehler.
Error while running event helmod::on_string_translated (ID 144)
helmod/data/User.lua:428: bad argument #1 of 3 to 'match' (string expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'match'
helmod/data/User.lua:428: in function 'addTranslate'
helmod/controller/Controller.lua:281: in function 'onStringTranslated'
helmod/controller/EventController.lua:234: in function <helmod/controller/EventController.lua:231