Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

a day ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Met some bugs when calculate coal directly from coal mine with pyRawOres

5 years ago

Hello, I've met some bugs when I was trying to calculate the production rate of coal, directly from coal mine, and it occoured:
Error while running event helmod::on_gui_click (ID 1)

Gui element with name cell_coal already present in the parent element. stack traceback:
helmod/core/ElementGui.lua:842: in function 'addGuiTable'
helmod/core/ElementGui.lua:856: in function 'addCell'
helmod/core/ElementGui.lua:977: in function 'addCellElement'
helmod/tab/ProductionBlockTab.lua:396: in function 'addTableRow'
helmod/tab/ProductionBlockTab.lua:256: in function 'updateData'
helmod/tab/MainTab.lua:644: in function 'update'
helmod/core/MainPanel.lua:205: in function 'refreshDisplayData'
helmod/selector/AbstractSelector.lua:259: in function 'onEvent'
helmod/dialog/Dialog.lua:166: in function 'sendEvent'
helmod/controller/Controller.lua:294: in function 'sendEvent'
helmod/controller/Controller.lua:266: in function <helmod/controller/Controller.lua:202>
[C]: in function 'pcall'
helmod/controller/Controller.lua:202: in function 'parseEvent'
helmod/controller/Controller.lua:188: in function 'onGuiClick'
helmod/core/Event.lua:195: in function <helmod/core/Event.lua:186>

I got these errors from your latest update, playing with py Raw Ores..
Please repair, thank you..


5 years ago

the bug is known, I will fix it but I made another modification at the same time

New response