Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

a day ago
0.14 - 2.0

i Recipe Linking - feature requests

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

1: Specify primary and secondary output

For recipes that have multiple output products, can we please have a way of telling it which of it's outputs to link on? The secondary outputs should be ignored.

Example: there is demand for both heavy oil and petroleum. I want just enough advanced oil processing to fill the demand for heavy oil. This would be very useful for Angels where lots of recipes give a small amount of some secondary product.

2: Link via input rather than output

I want to add a recipe that uses all of an available input product. The void recipes already do this.

Continuing from the previous example: I want to crack all remaining heavy oil into light oil.

This can be done by setting percentages, however it can be difficult to calculate the exact percentage so that all of the the input is used up. I've had to set percentages to 4 decimal places - all by trial and error. The percentages would need to be adjusted if I increased my demand for heavy oil.

3: Calculate percentage to use up all of a particular input

I know that I can achieve something similar by setting percentages. The problems with this are:
- If I change my demand for heavy oil, I have to change the recipe percentage
- The percentage can be impossible to calculate exactly. I've had to set percentages to 4 decimal places, mostly by trial and error.

If you don't think that my suggestion 2 is possible, an alternative would be a way to tell Helmod to calculate the recipe percentage for you to use up all of a particular input.

Excellent mod, thank you! I don't know how I'd cope without it now.

6 years ago

Looking at github, I've just seen the same features requested:


6 years ago

Have you try matrix solver button in the production block?

6 years ago

Yes, I have. It's too complex for it to solve.

New response