I'm playing a pretty crazy playthrough, Bob's + Angel's with petrochem, so I appreciate Helmod to figure out the ratios for all the metal smelting because everything has to go through 2-3 machines. This is one hell of a mod.
Late-game, I've got God Modules enabled, with the productivity-in-intermediate-machines restrictions removed (by an option in Bob's Modules config). Turns out, Helmod even supports this, but I had to do some digging to understand that. I believe the wording could be clearer there.
If I look at potential modules for an Ore Crusher, for example, I see all Productivity-type modules in red with the tooltip Unknown key:"item-limitation."
I think there is an English locale string for this, but it's not getting loaded correctly.
Secondly, the option to allow any module in any factory is in the map settings and is called "Filter on factory's modules". I believe this should be called "Module restrictions in factories". It would be great if you could fit the word "productivity" in there too, since productivity modules are the only ones affected, but that's probably too long for the settings menu. "Filter on beacon's modules" could be "Module restrictions in beacons". I don't know what "Filter on factory", "Filter on beacon", or "Filter on generator" do, but I haven't needed to change them yet.