Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Can't open Helmod GUI

7 years ago

Starting just now (no updates for any mod or factorio used between last play session and now) I have an error everytime I click on the helmod icon in the top left.
"Error while running event helmod::on_gui_click(ID 1)
LuaGuiElement API call when LuaGuiElement was invalid.
stack traceback:
helmod/controller/Controller.lua:101:in function 'on_gui_click'
helmod/controller/PlayerController.lua:95:in function 'on_gui_click'
helmod/controller/helmod.lua:154:in function 'on_gui_click'
helmod/controller/control.lua:32:in function <control.lua:31>"

After I click on the ok button, it kicks me back to the main menu.

-NOTE- Shortcut seems to work perfectly fine.

7 years ago

I do not reproduce the problem
if you can push the saved game on https://github.com/Helfima/helmod/issues/68

7 years ago

resolved version 0.5.3

New response