So, after playing with your mod for a few minutes, I've ran into a number of issues.
- Clicking the screen size button causes the window to vanish off screen and make any buttons in the top left become unclickable.
- The window itself appears to be clipped on the far left side, causing myself to be unable to see the full image of the various buttons there. I can read something that says base time and options.
- By clicking the "Add production block" button, the window vanishes. Interestingly I can see a small sliver on the very top of the game window. I have a feeling that it may somehow be moving the window up. (From my knowledge of programming, I would think it would be caused by how you make the window position, but I haven't checked your source code to be certain.)
It is an interesting mod, but sadly, one that doesn't seem to work for myself.
If it makes any difference (and it probably does) I am running Factorio on a crouton ubuntu chromebook.