HC Exotic Industries tweaks

My personal tweaks for Exotic Industries mod, nothing to see here.

1 year, 7 months ago

g DT chain

1 year, 7 months ago


Are you making Protium and co burnable, to allow deuterium and tritium accumulation from just hydrogen?
I might think about a possbility to do that in core EI.

1 year, 7 months ago

Are you making Protium and co burnable, to allow deuterium and tritium accumulation from just hydrogen?


Yes, I'm doing this to collect deuterium, probably much less viable for tritium. Actually, from balance point of view, I think isotope separation process is somewhat overpowered now as single beaconed refinery is more than enough to sustain this 8GW reactor, probably makes sense to make separation 10x slower. And, in general, I think it's very easy to make self sustaining fusion reactor even without my fix, which takes just water and stone as inputs, but I don't know what do you think about it from design point of view and I don't have a good solution anyway, this hydrogen thing is just some 'realism' nit from my side.

Also, for fuel values, they are completely arbitrary now, I just set them lower than oil products. I didn't check if positive energy loop is possible.

1 year, 7 months ago

Also, for fuel values, they are completely arbitrary now, I just set them lower than oil products. I didn't check if positive energy loop is possible.

I was curious and had a look. It's possible with modules.
The setup is: 1x advanced chem plant + 1x air filter, both filled with T1 eff modules.
The setup costs ~170 kw, and generates 300 kw of hydrogen.
The chem plant can instead use 3 eff module + 1 speed module, so the energy becomes 190kw->390kw.
With T6 modules, using eff+speed mix, you can get 190kw->780kw. It's getting crazy.
Overall I think hydrogen fuel value should be nerfed 4x so that positive energy loop is no longer possible, and also easier to void by burning.

1 year, 7 months ago
(updated 1 year, 7 months ago)

Also, for fuel values, they are completely arbitrary now, I just set them lower than oil products. I didn't check if positive energy loop is possible.

I was curious and had a look. It's possible with modules.
The setup is: 1x advanced chem plant + 1x air filter, both filled with T1 eff modules.
The setup costs ~170 kw, and generates 300 kw of hydrogen.
The chem plant can instead use 3 eff module + 1 speed module, so the energy becomes 190kw->390kw.
With T6 modules, using eff+speed mix, you can get 190kw->780kw. It's getting crazy.
Overall I think hydrogen fuel value should be nerfed 4x so that positive energy loop is no longer possible, and also easier to void by burning.


The different way may be to make electrolysis much more energy demanding, but as mod doesn't have dedicated electrolysers, the only way to do this is to make electrolysis process much slower.

1 year, 7 months ago

I had another look at it and I think it's not really necessary to prevent this positive feedback loop.
Currently this loop is only possible with eff modules unlocked, and even with this it can only generate a very small amount of energy. The advanced chem plants are not cheap, and if you use higher tier modules it's even worse. This setup won't generate as much energy as solar of equivalent space, and is much more expensive.
The biggest problem is pollution. The fluid boiler is super polluting if you want to power your base with it. At this point you already have access to nuclear plant + dirty water uranium, which is a much better form of infinite energy, and generates very little pollution.
The only real reason to block this loop is realism. From realism, I think the biggest problem is 'electrolyzer' interacting with modules. The energy effciency of electrolysis should be maintained in a fixed range, but modules can vastly change the effciency. In nullius (another overhaul mod), the electrolyzer is designed to be a practical energy storage, and no positive loop. It doesn't accept any modules.

The different way may be to make electrolysis much more energy demanding, but as mod doesn't have dedicated electrolysers, the only way to do this is to make electrolysis process much slower.

Not really. There are still multiple alternatives:
1. You can require water to be pre-processed before electrolyzing. In nullius there is a pretty quick steam electrolysis recipe. I think we can do the same here. Modules won't interact with the steam input, so the effciency is almost fixed. You can change the recipe to like this: 20 steam -> 10 H2 + 10 O2, taking 1s. 2 steam have 60kJ of heat, so 1 hydrogen can also have up to this much energy. This will certainly break existing setups though.
Increasing the fuel value of hydrogen will make voiding by burning harder. So I think there should be a void protium recipe in the air filter. But if there was such a recipe, why are we here talking about this fuel value thing??? LOL
For more realism I think the recipe should be 20 steam -> 20 H2 + 10 O2, taking 1s, and hydrogen 30kJ.
2. Maybe you can use the plasma heater machine? It has a scary 20MW base energy cost. It only has 1 output, so you need to discard the oxygen in the recipe. The main problem is it's too late in the tech tree.

1 year, 7 months ago

Well, the only reason I wanted to void hydrogen via burning instead of just destroying it via air filters because IRL it's dangerous to just dump hydrogen into the air (see fukushima), but it raises so much balance questions I'm already not sure if it good idea for the base mod.

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