Hardened pipes

by Pi-C

Hardened pipes are expensive, and it requires some know-how to make them. However, they come with strong resistances and are ideal for use at the front-line. If biters or spitters always destroy the pipes that supply your flamethrower or water turrets, you should consider replacing them with hardened pipes!

3 months ago
0.17 - 2.0

g [Fixed] Not compatible with industrial revolution

5 years ago

Make industrial revolution unable to load. Note I create this for information not to request a portage.

5 years ago

I just installed IR and started a new game, but it started successfully. Loading IR into an existing game also worked. Could you provide some more details, please? Logfile or save game would be great -- can't fix what I don't see. :-)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Oh if you consider this as a bug:

  • Hardened pipes 0.17.2
  • Industrial Revolution 1.0.6
  • Industrial Revolution: Language Pack 1.0.8
  • base 0.17.74

Error at loading: Error while loading recipe prototype "ion-probe" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Value must be a string in property tree Full log

I can't ready add anymore strange that you load without problem maybe not the same base version or maybe a lang problem (My game is in French)?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

The error seems to be on IR's side:

Error while loading recipe prototype "ion-probe" (recipe): Difficulty normal: Value must be a string in property tree at ROOT.recipe.ion-probe.results[0].type

In the file code/items-recipes/items-space.lua, there's a typo where results are defined (line 42):

results = {
             {type = item, name = "ion-probe", amount = 1},

Put quotation marks around "item" :

 results = {
             {type = "item", name = "ion-probe", amount = 1},

Same thing on line 78 (in the impulse-probe recipe). If that solves your problem, I think you should report the bug to Deadlock989. :-)

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Done, thank you for your time.

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

By the way: I could reproduce the bug after installing IR: Language Pack -- without it, the game loaded correctly. Also, the same bug occurs in other places:

$ grep -iHn "type = item" *
items-misc.lua:33:            {type = item, name = "wood", amount = 40},
items-misc.lua:34:            {type = item, name = "wood-sapling", amount_min = 10, amount_max = 11},
items-misc.lua:54:            {type = item, name = "rubber-wood", amount = 40},
items-misc.lua:55:            {type = item, name = "rubber-sapling", amount_min = 10, amount_max = 11},
5 years ago

You're welcome! :-)

5 years ago

I don't understand yet why the bug only occurred if the language pack was installed, but I cleaned up some code on my side as well and it seems to work now. Could you try it, please?

5 years ago

Look fixed even with my +50 mods, thanks for your quick fix.

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