Hard Science

This mod will greatly challenge your late-meta-game. Science packs require more ingredients and you have an assortment of labs to choose from, each with unique pros and cons. (Beta)

2 years ago
2 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.2 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
63 users

Work in progress! This mod is far from complete and at this time I can't say it is broadly compatible with other mods. Don't be mad at me if it crashes, I'm not getting paid for this you know!

This mod will greatly challenge your late-meta-game. Science packs require more ingredients and you have an assortment of labs to choose from, each with unique pros and cons.

1) Science packs require previous packs as ingredients.

Credits to https://mods.factorio.com/mod/recursive-science

2) The science lab has been nerfed

It can no longer be repaired and you must manually add science pack.

{"placeable-player", "player-creation", "not-repairable", "no-automated-item-insertion"}

3) A suite of labs+, each with additional requirements.


  • Cheaper to build and very weak.
  • Fast but small. You can only take advantage of that speed of you can feed it ingredients fast enough
  • is minable
  • not polluty

Fuel burning

  • convenient, but unlocked late-game and very big.
  • Polluty.
  • is minable

heat powered

  • unlocked early-game before you have the tech to use it.
  • does not pollute
  • only 2x prod and fewer module slots
  • very sturdy
  • must be constructured
  • not minable

nuclear powered

  • expensive to build
  • not minable
  • not polluty
  • fragile and explodes with fallout

Petro powered

  • cheap to build but very polluty
  • is not minable
  • must be built on a surface