Thanks for giving me feedback. For now, I don't have plan to change initial examples. However, your suggested examples looks so nice and useful!
I made this for only modders who want to develop control.lua code. I believe that they have at least some knowledge about it. I want to let them to use this thier own ways. So I think just showing possibility to use lua code is quite enough.
Why the way to delete an list item is designed as "check and click-button" is that, I thought there is no simpler and saving UI space way in Factorio GUI system. Still I don't know how to make right-context menu system like Windows OS or web browsers, which Factorio can't do. And the ways to place scroll-bar is also quite limited. I couldn't find a way to get both saving screen space and convenience. Assigning more hot key is never recommended because it is shared across entire game play and steals other mod's opportunity. Even I don't believe to assign hotkey for GUI element processing is simple. I want to leave it possible to prevent single click to delete for preventing misclicking.
If you want to add similar context to existing entry, just copy first and add new. I'm considering to add reordering.