I tried again today offline with a savegame and I found that it's not that it makes the game crash, but it freezes for too long which in the multiplayer gameplay gets all dropped.
When I used it in multiplayer the server saved after we were dropped and later after restarting I found out that my GUI was irreversibly half hidden, tried to restore it and the server froze again. The solution was to take the server down, and in my system I wrote a script that repeated the same process that this mod uses but only for my player, then we restored the server with the new savegame after manually re-enabling the GUI.
Since then we removed the mod in the server, so today I tried the mod offline to see what happens in a single player gameplay, and the result is that the game freezes for around a minute to hide the GUI of my player.
I still haven't tried more because by disabling mods I have to wait too much for the game to restart, but I suspect this might have to do with some bad interaction with other of the mods we are using, my first suspect is Avatars or Space Exploration or both. I'll try more today and tomorrow.