
Enhance your building layouts with a powerful and flexible grid system! Gridlines adds customizable grids to your world, allowing for precise and efficient designs across multiple layers.

a month ago

g Crash

a month ago

Set up the grid, restarted the game, pressed F6...

Mod Gridlines (1.0.5)

Error while running event gridlines::gridlines-toggle (ID 221)
LuaRenderObject API call when LuaRenderObject was invalid.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'newindex'
/app/toggled.lua:40: in function 'toggled'
gridlines/control.lua:102: in function <gridlines/control.lua:95>

a month ago

On the next launch everything worked.

a month ago

I have a crash too.
This happens on game start, when it is loaded.
The culprit is this mod:
So either of this and that mod has some missing stuff.

a month ago
(updated a month ago)

its gridlines that is the problem. its calling rendering.clear() instead of rendering.clear('factorio-gridlines'). Most of the code for this mode is "inspired" from by the chunkychunks mod. The clean function it borrowed from chunkychunks calls rendering.clear('ChunkyChunks') which is what you want to do, but in gridlines the argument to rendering.clear is missing add blows away all rendering done my mods instead of just the ones created by gridlines.

I tried contacting the mod author about this issue but he has not responded for over two weeks, so no idea if this will ever get fixed without a fork.

Note this breaks rendering on a lot of other modes as well...

New response