Logistic Train Network - thought bubble

by Quezler

Gives the locomotives a thought bubble for what it wants to pickup.

4 months ago

g Memory Burst Table

11 months ago

Memory Burst Table

11 months ago

a what?

11 months ago

Load this MOD and the memory will reach 90%. Without this MOD, the memory will reach 30%

11 months ago

oh, a memory leak you mean?

i did see a lua garbage incremental of 1 script time occasionally but didn't think anything of it, not sure which part is to blame.

does the game actually run slower, or is the only side effect that a lot of memory is being used?

11 months ago

I'll send you the file and take a look

11 months ago

tbh i have no idea where to start looking in terms of lua memory leaks and garbage collection

11 months ago

How about I send you my game archive, where you can download it,

11 months ago

can't promise i'll have time/energy to look into it, but feel free to share it so it's on file

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