Space Exploration - safe emergency burn

by Quezler

No player inventory items are lost when using emergency burn.

1 year, 10 months ago

b Crash upon picking up capsule

2 years ago

My friend in our multiplayer (I am the one hosting) returned to Nauvis and when he went to pick up the capsule the game crashed and the message said it was because of this mod. Screenshot:

2 years ago

that's odd, on_entity_destroyed only gets triggered after a player enters the capsule, at which point this mod will read the dropdown to see if emergency burn is selected or not, though not looking at it it might be because the dropdown wasn't touched at all, either way this crash is intentional when it cannot determine if it is an emergency launch or not (since failure to know it 100% certain could still result in 50% of the inventory being lost)

i am not in a space exploration run myself rn so i won't be able to test a fix for this in person, but for now i would recomend not deconstructing it if you have entered it and didn't interact with the target selector dropdown yet. πŸ€”

2 years ago

on second thought, did he return from nauvis orbit without using the emergency burn at all? exiting an intact landed capsule might be the culprit here.

2 years ago

He says he thinks it was an emergency burn

2 years ago

It happened again
This time when my friend was in a capsule getting ready to go up to norbit (in just the capsule); he went into crosshair mode to pick the exact destination and the moment he clicked it this happened:

2 years ago

We just reproduced it
Travelling by capsule is a no-no

2 years ago

Going by capsule without selecting location is fine tho

2 years ago

Going by capsule without selecting location is fine tho

weird, but then again i never really went up into orbit in a capsule since clearing out the inventory is an absolute pain, just always hopped into the nearest cargo rocket and launched it regardless of fullness or took the space elevator on the other corner of the base, didn't really use the non emergency burn at all.

2 years ago

My friend visits orbit by capsule to save rockets, since we are tight on resources, and we are nowhere near having the spelevator :p

2 years ago


2 years ago

Now it happened without selecting anything, just clicking launch

2 years ago

sounds like perhaps a space exploration update changed some stuff related to the gui which fails in this mod being able to properly detect the setting πŸ€”

2 years ago

Can you fix it πŸ₯ΊπŸ‘‰πŸ»πŸ‘ˆπŸ»

2 years ago

very well, but i'm gonna need your save file, i am not in the mood to build all the stuff required on a world to test this properly (and not in a playthrough myself), if you could provide your savefile and a list of the exact steps you two take to reproduce the various ways it crashes i'll look into it.

if you'd rather not post a public link to your save file feel free to contact me on the factorio discord or provide a server ip with my username whitelisted so i can connect, sync the mods, sync the settings & grab the world.

1 year, 10 months ago

fixed in 1.0.4

New response