Glowing Trees

Adds a glowing aura to the trees, and bioluminescence for foliage and decoratives.

1 year, 6 days ago

g Smaller Glow

Hi, I've been using your mod and it's great to have a mod that makes plants glow without killing my CPU. But I was wondering if there is a way to make the glow a slightly smaller radius, as I would like something smaller than the tiny option. Is there a way I can do this in the mods files?

4 months ago

I'm really glad to hear it's not killing your CPU :)
If you're willing to go digging around the mod files, you can change the value on line 14 of control.lua, that's where the scales are defined. I think that should just work, but you might need to do something like change a mod setting to trigger the game to reload the tree glows with the new scale

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