Gear Girl 2.0

This mod replaces your character with a female version of the engineer, Gear Girl! Original by SleepyEngi, updated for Factorio 2.0.

2 months ago

g Mech Armor

a month ago

Looks a bit weird when using mech armor, you just fly over stuff with no visual to match lol.

a month ago

Most likely, you need to contact the creator of the original mod.

a month ago

Yes, unfortunately I don't have access to the original models to render out new flying graphics. I was going to just repurpose the existing graphics similar to how the jetpack mod used to do it (just have the player slowly run in midair (it looked good enough)), but it seems that Factorio just ignores some properties of the mech armor animation definition, so it's impossible to have an animation play only while moving in the flying mech form.

a month ago

I think just using the vanilla mech for that is fine. The concept on that is that you are entombed in the machine.

a month ago

You could simply just edit the vanilla armor and make it however you'd like and we'd be happy, or at least I would be.

30 days ago

Be cliche and put an armored colored bow on the top of it xD

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