Fundamental Physics - 基础物理学

Adds fundamental physical research that add lab productivity bonus. 添加了基础物理学的相关研究,可增加研究产能.

6 years ago
0.16 - 0.16.30

g Missing Icon_Size & Fix

6 years ago

So I was trying to use this mod alongside a plethora of other mods but it was throwing a lot of missing Icon_size errors. I am thinking that it is due to recent Factorio version updates maybe? Anyway, I jammed Icon_size = 32 everywhere in the building definitions that were giving an error until it worked. Not sure if others are having this issue but, if so, here is the version that I got working. It is exactly the same other than the fix mentioned above.

6 years ago

Hi usafnapalm, thanks for you bug fix, but I'm pretty sure I've fixed it in 0.3.0. Looks like in game mod updater hasn't find the latest version of my mod -- it's still in 0.2.0. I'll try to figure it out.

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