
by folk

Allows you to put fish in water and breed them. Revolutionary technology.

6 years ago
0.15 - 0.16

g Fish can be collected with inserters?

6 years ago

Does not seem so in the latest 0.15 -- my fast inserters are standing still, and don't care whether there is any fish below them (even when inserting to a chest, thus an implicit filter shouldn't be a problem)

6 years ago

No, they can't :-P

6 years ago

It's a secret/easter-egg homage to davemcw ( who wrote the blueprint-string mod ( and has done lots of other good things for factorio.

He uses an inserter in this fashion on his forum avatar.

6 years ago

It would be nice to clarify this as it "could" be very misleading. I did spend quite a bit of time trying to grab the fish with

6 years ago

OK, so if they can't be collected with inserters (as per the screenshot), how do I get them into the barrels ?

New response