Fluid Permutations

by spiwn

Rotate fluid inputs and outputs of buildings

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g Permutations lose productivity

2 years ago

While using Space Exploration a recipe that can normally use productivity modules tells me it can "only be used on intermediaries" when switching input order.

1 year, 4 months ago

Also having this issue - same problem in GDIW, was hoping this mod would handle it better.

a month ago

I fixed that on Fluid Permutation Fixed. :)

a month ago

I believe we can make one more! We need to fix that the efficient module can be used on electrolysis plant when it shouldn't! πŸ‘€

a month ago

oh yea that issue is new, also the error message when you try to insert it says productivity but idk if that's coming from base or a mod πŸ€”

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