Fish Mode Remix

by V0lcano

all your recipes are mixed up! Find a way to build a factory using the new recycling mechanic and part-fish recipes. THIS MOD IS A REMIX/SET OF CHANGES TO CAKEMIX'S ORIGINAL IDEA AND MOD HERE: Has many balance changes to make fish mode more enjoyable. Adds new creation recipes that turn fish into raw resources. Increases pollution to match Vanilla. See full changes in mod portal

7 months ago

b [FIXED] uint16 of fish required in modded recipes

7 months ago

Hey. I have been playing with this and some other mods for a couple of sittings and keep noticing that some modded recipes require 65535 fish to produce.
This is clearly a bug that makes some other mods unuseable.
Is there a fix on the way or can at least something be done to correct this recipe manually in an ongoing save file?

7 months ago

Might not be a bug. Recipes do not allow more than 65535 of one ingredient so the fish required are capped at that amount. It is quite possible for modded recipes to reach that fish cost. I just submitted an update that has a setting in startup which lets you change the value multiplier for fish costs. Turn that value down a lot and it should help. I will think about adding a condensed fish recipe in the future that lets recipes take multiple fish directly.

Could you provide a list of mods so I can replicate your problem? Also, which recipes are you talking about? I need to know what you're playing with to see the problem

7 months ago

Thanks for the responce.
No, it is clearly not a recipe that could reach that cost.
I went through the recipes that had such problems and the only mod which items were suffering from 65535 fish recipes were items from Renai Transportation - all of the recipes are relatively cheap.
But now I can not even look at it because the update you spoke of does not allow my game to load fish mode plus. Please check your latest version.
Here are some images.

7 months ago

I uploaded a quick fix to the game not loading - I'm working on the Renai Transportation bug right now. It looks like the problem is modded recipes with modded ingredients replacing them with 65535 fish

7 months ago

I updated fishmode and fixed the bug! Turns out the problem was with the code handling complexity in the fish value algorithm, complexity values were set to math.huge and so recipes would sometimes default to 65535 fish. Any modded item that uses base resources should work properly with recipes now.

7 months ago

Thank you very much, updates have indeed fixed all of the recipes i had issues with.

New response