Xenos Oppression: Breed fish by feeding fish with fish

by Mr.YaR

Adds a simple fish production cycle to fit various doubious uses. May help to mass-produce fish-brained-units

1 year, 1 month ago

i Slowed down by Wood

1 year, 1 month ago

I'm really struggling to make my army sustainably!

I built a whole loop with about 10 Fish breeders but I can't get enough wood to sustain production for more than a few minutes.

Is it an intentional design choice to limit the power of the infantry? Or would changing the fish powder recipe to something automatic be something you'd be willing to consider?

Some possible ideas to test:
- Reducing the cost of the fish crafting recipe (less fish powder)
- Speeding up the fish breeding recipe (so fewer are required to make an army)
- improving the cost effectiveness of the fish powder recipe (decreasing cost or increasing yield)
- Change the fish powder recipe to use less wood but maybe add something that can be automated (like stone, or lamps)

or I can just add a mod to my list that allows for growing trees but it feels weird to have a mod that in order to use it I need to find an unspecified or untested mod. Testing compatibility with one of these mods and recommending it might also be good.

I am loving the whole suite of mods atm btw. I just want to make my army of biter slaying infantry already lol.

1 year, 1 month ago

wait... I've been manually using the AAI miners to collect wood. I can automate that.... soooooooooooo not the most accessible solution but I'll see how hard it is to figure out.

1 year, 1 month ago
(updated 1 year, 1 month ago)

Hello o/

This fish enrichment cycle comes with mod settings that should* do what you need:
bornFishAmount= Newbown Fish Amount per cycle
fishBreedingTime= The time it takes for fish to breed
fishPowderProdAmount= The amount of fish powder is produced each cycle

Any mod that grows trees will do, if automating haulers doesn't produce the expected amount of satisfaction =)

And you are right - Fish is a soft limiter for early robots. If the slowdown is too consequent for the mods you run/playstyle - feel free to adjust it!*

Will probably add a wood setting.

Good luck!


1 year, 1 month ago

excellent! Yes this is exactly the answer I was looking for! Thank you!

1 year, 1 month ago

Wood setting added =) Default is still 3

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