Fireproof Bots

Fixes the construction bots stupidly flying into fire by giving them 100% fire resistance.

4 years ago
0.15 - 1.1
Logistic network

b not working

4 years ago

not working at all for me
bob robots and rampant - inferno spiters come and put fire on walls then bots die until there is none left ...

4 years ago

I think that's because they don't actually deal fire damage, but something like acid probably. I could also give the bots acid resistance, but given that the whole point of this mod was to avoid friendly fire from your own flamethrowers, I don't really want to do that.

If I ever feel like it, I might make it so you can configure which resistances you want your bots to have in the settings. Though this mod is really just a quick and dirty fix for a problem that was bothering me, so I'm quite happy keeping it's scope to the 4 lines of code that it currently is (I probably spent more time writing this post than I did making the mod lol).

4 years ago

tbh i was only interested in make bots less stupid not immune to everything and most stupid thing they do is trying to repair wall which isnt much important anyway at moment plus has lots hp and resistance too and cost close to nothing compared to bots tech3 im using atm
there is option at rampant to make them completly unkillable but i think this too much
i tried some circuits combos along with enemy sensor mod but i end in situation when they either dont repair anything when under attack or go repair all and die
i got no idea what kind of dmg inferno spitters do, would ask on rampant forum but again make them immune to fire and acid seems a bit to much when i just want those idiots to stop repair walls when its on fire
tnx for answering

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