Factorio World

Mod that changes the world generation to be a real-world map. Two world maps to choose from: "Atlantic" and "Pacific".

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Cargo ships?

5 years ago

Am I missing something or is this mod/map not compatible with the mod Cargo ships deep sea oil? I don't see any on the map when using this mod. Could it be made compatible if it isn't just something I am missing? I think it would be perfect combo of mods!


5 years ago

It seems I have fixed the problem myself. Just need to add Factorio World as a dependency to Cargo Ships so it loads after Factorio World.

For those with the same problem:
Add (In Info.json),
"factorio-world >= 0.16.1"

So afterwards Cargo Ships' dependencies should read:
"dependencies": ["base >= 0.16", "factorio-world >= 0.16.1"],

New response