Factorio World

Mod that changes the world generation to be a real-world map. Two world maps to choose from: "Atlantic" and "Pacific".

2 years ago
0.14 - 1.1

g Starting Positions List.

6 years ago

I pulled some known starting positions from this thread: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/TheOddler/factorio-world/discussion/7102

local spawn = {x = 1030 * scale, y = 520 * scale} Illinois, USA. Thanks pap1723
local spawn = {x = 3695 * scale, y = 1365 * scale} NSW, Australia. Thanks Taurondir

Anyone know any more starting positions? In particular anyone know the coords for a UK start?

3 years ago

I added a bunch of starting locations. If you want/know more, let me know!

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