Factorio sync sound manager

by Dial-up

synchronous playback of sounds and music for the entity

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
5 months ago
Latest Version:
1.0.0 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
199 users

factorio-sync-sound-manager - synchronous playback of sounds and music for the entity(static ones)

ru desctiption


  • This is a core, not a full-fledged mod, and does nothing without add-ons!
  • Synchronizes sound between identical machines; unfortunately, the mod is heavy on performance. Check the Settings section to adjust the limitations.


All settings start with fssm-.

  • synchronize machine state with emitter (sync-machine-state-with-emitter): If enabled, the mod will poll all machines that may have an emitter every tick to check their state (running/stopped) and, depending on the settings, "turn on"/"turn off" the emitter. If you believe this slows down the game, disable this setting. The mod does nothing else besides checking and managing the emitters.
  • limit of state checks (limit-of-checks): Specifies how many machines will be checked per tick. By default, it's set to 5000, chosen to take 8ms per tick (50% of tick time) on my hardware in vanilla.
  • limit of emitter updates (limit-of-actions): Specifies how many entities will be created/destroyed per tick. By default, it's set to 500, calculated similarly to the value above.
  • Use simple sound system (use_simple_sound_system): Do not create ghost entities for synchronized sound playback. In this case, the machines themselves will play the synchronized sound.
  • debug mode (debug): Enables logging of events and actions.
  • (hidden) fssm-parent_name: internal name of the parent emitter.


  • /fssm-reinit: removes and re-arranges all emitters.


  • Emitter: An entity that plays sound. The mod creates or removes these based on the machine's status.
  • Machine: An entity under which the emitter is created. It can be anything, such as an assembler, lab, miner, etc.

API - data stage

check out the source of my other mod if you need an example of how to implement it

local fssm = require("__factorio-sync-sound-manager__/prototypes/api")


-- changing the sound for a particular entity.
fssm.applyNewSound(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-1"], "__my-mod__/my-sound.ogg")

-- changing the sound for a particular entity with custom volume.
fssm.applyNewSound(data.raw["assembling-machine"]["assembling-machine-1"], "__my-mod__/my-sound.ogg", 0.7)

-- just the registration of the entity

-- if you want to check that there is a mod at all/is on.
---- data/runtime stage
if settings.startup["fssm-parent_name"] then

---- settings stage
if data.raw and data.raw["string-setting"] and data.raw["string-setting"]["fssm-parent_name"] then
  • fssm.applyNewSound(proto, sound_path, volume):
    • Applies sound to the prototype(replaces with the specified), also calls registerPrototype(proto).
      Useful if you need to completely owerride the sound to yours.
    • Parameters:
      • proto: any entity from data.raw.
      • sound_path: path to the sound, e.g. __base__/sound/silence-1sec.ogg. docs
      • volume(optional): [0 - 1], the volume of the sound, if not specified: proto.working_sound.sound.volume or 1 will be taken. docs
    • Returns: result of registerPrototype call
  • fssm.registerPrototype(proto): Registers a prototype(entity) in this mod
    • The main method by which my mod understands which entities it will be working with.
    • Important points for modders(especially if you're bypassing the applyNewSound function or don't want to use my functions at all at the datа stage):
      • In order for the runtime part of the mod to find the entnty-emitter correspondence, the following emitter name format must be observed: soundEmitterName..'__'..proto.name.
      • You can use settings.startup["fssm-parent_name"].value to get the parent name. proto is an entity in data.raw.
      • I suggest on the working_sound.persistent parameter to set true on your copy of the emitter. but not necessary, however then there is no point in this mod.
      • when calling this function, the parameter working_sound.persistent in the emitter object is set to true
    • Parameters:
      • proto: any entity from data.raw.
      • (hidden, in the object properties)proto.working_sound.speacker_audible_distance_modifier: sets the audible_distance_modifier for the speaker if specified
    • Returns: the emitter object that was added to data.raw

API - runtime stage

In the following releases
Note: at the moment, the mod determines whether the emitter is needed based on the condition of the machine: works/not active, under the Runtime API, I mean the transfer of the "activation" function for configuration as you need.