Factorio Codex

by sfyb

Adds a Satisfactory like codex with quick search to Factorio, which can act as a calculator and display information about items, recipes, technologies and factories

a month ago

b [Fixed]Some bug

1 year, 27 days ago
(updated 1 year, 26 days ago)

Critical error when I try to open a recipe for [High pressure water injector] from the [Mining tools] mod https://mods.factorio.com/mod/MiningTools_Update
Logs and mods: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K17H0QY8xIwssrtz6eZtWNBvpgPY5FOE?usp=sharing

1 year, 21 days ago

This error seems to occur anytime you removed other mods that added new items or fluids. These now removed items are still present in the UI.
When you refreshed the UI by you opening anything quick search result the UI code is very likely going to stumble across one of those removed items / fluids and cause the crash.

I should have found all the places where this happens and found a fix for it so in the next release this should no longer happen.

New response