Factorio Codex

by sfyb

Adds a Satisfactory like codex with quick search to Factorio, which can act as a calculator and display information about items, recipes, technologies and factories

23 days ago


Version: 0.0.21
Date: 09.04.2024
  Quick Search Features:
    - Performance improvements while searching at the cost of a preprocessing step
    - Small bugfixes while updating libraries
Version: 0.0.20
Date: 01.05.2023
  Codex Features:
    - When hovering over any item or fluid in a recipe a short list (max 2 entries) of relevant recipes (mining / rocket launch recipes are prioritized) of how to produce that item / fluid is shown. Exception: Fluids with a temperature won't show anything.
  Quick Search Features:
    - Positioning now respects interface scale settings
    - Fixed a bug where invalid prototypes remained in the codex causing a crash everytime it is opened.
    - Fixed a bug where fluids didn't receive mining productivity.
    - Fixed a bug where fluids had non-mining / non-pumping recipes in "Mined from" section.
Version: 0.0.19
Date: 15.04.2023
  Codex Features:
    - When viewing recipes the "Produced by" tab prioritizes recipes that mainly produce the currently viewed item.
    - Added command to reset and rebuild mod data ("/fc-rebuild-all").
    - Instead of crashing the game most errors will now be logged and only a notification will be shown to the player.
    - Massive performance improvements while using quick search.
    - Fixed a bug where offshore pumping recipes (pumping water) would show up as "Rocket launch crafting".
    - Fixed a bug where the codex would show "__1__" instead of the miner speed
    - Fixed a bug where the mod would crash when clicking on the quick search result "Waiting for translation...".
    - Fixed a bug where shared player data failed to initialize correctly after a saved game was loaded.
    - Fixed a bug where after installing/removing mods some new recipes wouldn't show up.
    - Fixed a bug where invalid prototypes cause the translation to crash.
    - Fixed a bug where invalid prototypes crash the codex.
    - Fixed a bug where invalid prototypes crash quick search.
    - Fixed a bug where the codex failed to show the entity list on first load.
Version: 0.0.18
Date: 23.03.2023
  Codex Features:
    - Now showing information like new recipes and modifiers for technologies.
    - Improved tooltips for recipe ingredients and products now shows average, min and max amount as well as probability.
    - Moved resource mining "recipes" to their own list titled "Mined from".
    - Added tooltip which displays the machine crafting speed for each machine that can craft a given recipe.
    - Added history feature which allows going back and forth to previously visited things (limit: 10 items).
  Quick Search Features:
    - Improved performance drastically for searches with a lot of results (searching for 'e' can result in up to 3.6k results in SE + K2. This previously needed ~150ms and now only requires ~75ms).
    - Reduced the maximum number of shown results to 100 (you were not planning to look through more than that anyway right? right?).
    - Added support for the mod "Lua API global Variable Viewer (gvv)" (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/gvv).
    - Completely new code base, it is only equal in functionally. No line was untouched.
Version: 0.0.17
Date: None
    - Fixed validation always failing.
Version: 0.0.16
Date: 13.02.2023
  Codex Features:
    - Made category switching less laggy when viewing them again.
    - Increased visibility of "Produced by" and "Ingredient in" headlines.
    - Changed highlight color to green.
    - Main recipe output has the color gray now, if present.
    - Locked recipes are shown with different colors (default background = red, main recipe output = orange, highlight color = yellow).
    - If in debug mode ingredients/products with an amount of 0 are shown again.
  Quick Search Features:
    - Now adjusts size and position when opened instead of only once when created.
    - If in debug mode information relevant for sorting is added to each result.
    - Added foundation for supporting newer factorio features while remaining compatible with older versions.
    - Changelog now has different categories for quick search and codex features.
    - Fixed a bug with the item sorting where the order would be messed up.
Version: 0.0.14
Date: 08.02.2023
  Codex Features:
    - Recipes don't show any items/fluids that require/produce 0 units unless this is the only ingredient/product (the other ingredients/products are still shown. This manly affects the Arcosphere recipes in SE).
  Quick Search Features:
    - Text input doesn't fight you in multiplayer anymore (this adds a very small delay to the search results).
    - Re-translation after changes to the mods (Anything that was translated before remains searchable while the re-translation is ongoing).
    - Under the hood changes to hopefully fix de-syncs once and for all (queue the next de-sync bug).
    - Added more log messages.
Version: 0.0.13
Date: 31.01.2023
    - Deactivated validate outside of migration.
Version: 0.0.12
Date: 31.01.2023
    - Added missing file to zip.
Version: 0.0.11
Date: 30.01.2023
    - Codex: added color indicator for fluids.
    - Validating saved mod data on migration to resolve some bugs. In some cases quick search and/or the codex reset, you will get notified if this happens.
    - Fixed in-game changelog.
Version: 0.0.10
Date: 22.01.2023
  Codex Features:
    - Removed Item description beside the item. Hovering the big icon still displays the item description.
    - Added rocket launch product support (only supports one rocket silo type for now - meaning this won't show the correct rocket silo for production in space exploration).
    - Added mine-able resources and offshore-pump products to "Produced In" tab, also shows mining productivity effects (by showing increased production amount).
    - Clicking on resource vein icons (added by for mine-able resources) or the current item/fluid is disabled.
    - Migrations able to migrate properly now. This means if you had the codex open it should still be open at the same position (same item/fluid) after migration.
    - If the codex was open before migration the item/fluid list will not scroll to it (this does not affect the scrolling that happens when an ingredient/product gets clicked or the codex gets opened by quick search).
    - Removed most of the old unknown bugs and replaced them with new unknown bugs! (This is due to a lot - I mean A LOT - of changes to the underlying code).
Version: 0.0.9
Date: 14.01.2023
  Codex Features:
    - Change category and show item/fluid when changing viewed item/fluid.
    - "Ingredient in" and "Produced by" can be collapsed now.
    - Added recipe base time.
    - Added list of machines that produce a given recipe.
    - Style updates (this took way too long).
  Quick Search Features:
    - keeps last searched input and results when opened again.
    - Started with localisation.
    - Fixed migration bug.
Version: 0.0.8
Date: 07.01.2023
  Codex Features:
    - Reformatted tooltip for temperature when min and max temperature are the same.
    - Huge max temperatures are now considered infinite.
    - Fixed crash when viewing a recipe with min/max product amounts.
    - Fixed temperature tooltip always showing the same min and max values.
    - (fixed in a later version) When loading a save where this mod was previously active it is possible that the migration script crashes. (Workaround: disable mod -> load save -> save and exit -> re-enable mod -> load save).
    - (unable to reproduce in test environment) When looking at some recipes it is possible for players with different languages to de-sync.
Version: 0.0.7
Date: 07.01.2023
  Codex Features:
    - Clicking on items/fluids in the recipe view now navigates you there.
    - Recipes shown can now also show min/max, probability and temperature.
  Quick Search Features:
    - Clicking on the math result overwrites the search with that number.
    - Now supports decimals for use in math formulas.
    - Added a bug that crashes the game when viewing some recipes with no "amount" data.
Version: 0.0.6
Date: 04.01.2023
  Quick Search Features:
    - Improved search (no longer searches for continuous match of input text, e.g. "miner ele" finds "electric miner").
    - Sorts results by various criteria (hidden, matches, factorio order ...).
  Codex Features:
    - preparation for search.
Version: 0.0.5
Date: 03.01.2023
    - Fixed crash after closing and opening codex.
    - Fixed crash when clicking on the "X" to close codex (damn you migration code!).
    - Fixed de-sync for clients when selecting any entity in the codex.
Version: 0.0.4
Date: 02.01.2023
  Codex Features:
    - More readable recipe/ingredient section.
    - Improved layout.
    - Added bare-bones migration support for deleting/rebuilding codex ui.
Version: 0.0.3
Date: 28.12.2022
  Codex Features:
    - Added bare-bones recipe/ingredient section to codex.
  Quick Search Features:
    - Quick search layout improvements.
    - Quick search sorting.
    - Quick search math.
    - Fixed de-sync/crash when playing in multiplayer (flib that's your fault!).