fCPU :: SE Fix :: Memory fix + Improvements

Original: Factorio Customizable Processing Unit. SpaceExploration FIx: Fixed fCPU to continue operation while a space ship is jumping between surfaces. Extra: Fixed fCPU indexing in memory read/write. (NO SIMD) Extra improvements have been added

1 year, 1 month ago
Circuit network

i test harness?

1 year, 8 days ago

has anybody ever thought about, or attempted, to build a test harness (test environment) OUTSIDE of Factorio, where fCPU could be rapidly tested and debugged by itself? that way we wouldn't have to waste our days waiting on each little new version of the mod to be reloaded into Factorio. that takes several minutes on my PC (having many mods installed). bugs could get fixed and features developed way more rapidly. and it would especially help me since i'm not experienced in Lua, only several other languages.


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