Extended Descriptions ⚡

Adds critical information onto the tooltip of items, recipes, and entities.

3 months ago
0.17 - 1.1

b [not a bug] Loading errors with Factorio 1.0

4 years ago

This mod seems to be the cause of errors loading other mods with messages like Error while loading item prototype "laserrifle-charger" (item): Unknown flag "goes-to-main-inventory" and Error while loading item prototype "lua-combinator3" (item): Unknown flag "goes-to-quickbar".

4 years ago

What mods add these two items?

4 years ago

Actually, I'm pretty sure that it is not my fault. Since extended descriptions changes pretty much every item in the game, it will always be blamed for crashes

4 years ago

The first one is added by either Laser Rifle or Laser Tanks, I'm not quite sure. The second is LuaCombinator 3.

4 years ago

Hmm you might be right, after disabling those mods everything else loads fine.

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