Explosive Fuels

by jeff.s

Nuclear fuel and rocket fuel are extremely dangerous substances! Anything containing them will explode when destroyed (trains, machines, chests, furnaces, etc)

3 years ago

i Make an explosion based by chance and or on damage type received

2 years ago

Make the explosion based on chance so it doesn't always trigger an explosion when destroying something

Or based on the damage or damage type it receives, for example a simple gun shot doesn't trigger an explosion but a rocket, or anything heat related does

and the explosionradius varies by the amount of fuel the "container" has

2 years ago

This was a simple silly mod, but as long as you follow the terms of the MIT license you're free to copy my mod and make your own changes!

I will warn you in advance that making things dynamic like this will require more work on your part, this mod is sort of the easiest silly idea I could do in an afternoon

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