Expanded Rocket Payloads

Adds several new teirs of functional satellites and other payloads to expand gameplay into the space age.

4 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Wrong Payload for telescope shuttle (?)

5 years ago

2 Issues:
The telescope shuttle refurbishment does not have any payload in the recipe. I think Telescope component(s) would be intended here.
The Telescope Shuttle simply gives Planetary Data (2) instead of deploying a Telescope Satellite, which should return a Ground Station. This might be intented, but if it is, then this shuttle is useless as you should instead deploy satellites instead of a mere 2 planetary science per launch.

5 years ago


When I designed the telescope shuttle the space telescope had slightly different mechanics. I added the uplink station for the space telescope to make it provide data contentiously (it used to be a one-time data dump). At the time I guess I didn't consider how that would affect the telescope shuttle (its main benefit was that it could get data multiple times, which has now been bypassed).

I'll have to think of a new way to make the Telescope shuttle useful. Launching 1 telescope from it alone would make it hardly better then just a normal telescope launch.

Thanks for the feedback!

New response