Expanded Rocket Payloads

Adds several new teirs of functional satellites and other payloads to expand gameplay into the space age.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

i Dedicated ERP Science Lab

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

My friend and I are playing Extended Rocket Payloads with More Science and noticed that the Labs are not accepting the ERP sciences. After digging through the code of both mods I see that More Science is statically assigning the inputs to the labs. I've contacted lovely_santa about adding a method for preserving 3rd-party sciences.

However, I feel it might be prudent to future-proof your mod by adding a dedicated lab or two that only accepted ERP science.

Thanks for an awesome mod!

6 years ago

or just add the slots in data-final-fixes and add morescience as an optional dependency.

6 years ago

it's always a bad idea to overwrite some table with what a mod author might consider to be "the real table" instead of simply adding/inserting the additional things (eg science packs) to the existing table (eg table of inputs of a lab).
the mod Food Industry suffered from the same problem, and the discussion at https://mods.factorio.com/mod/FoodIndustry/discussion/5b2b0b16b9ab35000c73bf80 lists several more mods that cause the same problem :-(

6 years ago

A dedicated science building for this would be wonderful, I'm now needing to edit MoreScience and convince the other server people to download it instead of from the mod portal.

Related conversation: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/MoreScience/discussion/5c48ec79ec24ef000d5e3d93

6 years ago

Ok sounds like a good idea to add a lab. I''l try to make an update between now and the end of March break, kinda expecting 0.17 to drop somewhere around there too.

6 years ago

should drop until 3. March

New response