Expanded Rocket Payloads

Adds several new teirs of functional satellites and other payloads to expand gameplay into the space age.

5 years ago
0.16 - 0.17

b Bug collection I found while building the AngelBob Compat Mod

6 years ago
(updated 6 years ago)

Just a friendly thread where I want to collect all the bugs I find. I hope you can fix them sometime soon.

The last too should be a to.

You have a lot of lines like that:
{tpye="item", name="landed-shuttle", amount=1},
Shouldn't it be type in the beginning?

You did not really order all the items. Could you order them in some logically order? This really annoys me.

If you need/want any help with that just drop me a DM on Discord and I could help you.

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